========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 11:41:19 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: JanCW@aol.com Subject: Re: ASI WEB site ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I am definately interested in helping this happen, as I have been reading up on HTML and looking at Web pages, but have not had access to help build one yet. Anyone else interested? Jan Wright Wright Information Indexing Services ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 11:42:11 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: HairyLarry@aol.com Subject: CINDEX on Other Platforms ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Carol Roberts wrote: ---- "For whatever reasons, Cindex for the Mac is not on the immediate horizen (I would be *ecstatic* to be proved wrong on that one), and indexers who use a Mac have to deal with the here and now." ---- I agree with your view of the status of CINDEX for Macintosh. I am not waiting for it, either; I have been using the DOS version under SoftPC on my Mac for several years. However, in my post I referred specifically to the WINDOWS version of CINDEX, which is presently being shown operating on a computer in various settings, probably including the upcoming national ASI conference in Montreal. I only know what I read on-line about this, but I believe it is much further along than the Mac version. >From my experience in the computer industry as a manager of software development, I know that the problem of announcing upcoming availability of a Macintosh (or Windows) version of a DOS application, then delaying shipment, has been shared by much of the computer software industry. (Mac users may remember the all-time record-holder, Lotus 1-2-3 for the Mac.) The problem is that the programming model of direct-manipulation graphical interface programs is completely different (kind of "inside-out") from the model used in a command-based system like DOS. Companies who announce their intent before thoroughly investigating and understanding this difference are likely to underestimate the design and programming effort by an order of magnitude. Once they dive in and get something running in the lab, however, as Indexing Research apparently has for Windows, their statements about availability have more credibility. It's just a start-up problem. So, I would put much more credence into statements about upcoming availability for a Windows version of CINDEX now than a year ago; the same process, with somewhat less uncertainty, will need to be repeated for the Mac version. Regards, Larry Harrison Hairylarry@aol.com ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 10:08:01 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Coleen MacKay Subject: Re[2]: ASI WEB site ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I'm interested in helping to propose and set up an ASI Web page as well. I've been using the Web heavily in the past several months, but haven't built a page yet either. A joint effort would be a good way to ease into it! BTW, it would be helpful if people would put their internet addresses at the bottom of their messages, in case anyone wants to contact someone directly on a matter not directly related to the list. Or is the moderator stripping off addresses? Coleen MacKay cmackay@bna.com ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 10:08:17 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: JPerlman@aol.com Subject: Re: ASI WEB site ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Yes, I'm definitely interested in assisting with this. I think it is imperative that ASI become visible in "cyberspace" and provide this means of access for members and other interested parties. The global nature of our world requires this presence. ASI will definitely miss out if it doesn't. Count me in! Janet Perlman jperlman@aol.com ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 10:08:40 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Barbara E. Cohen" Subject: Re: Australian Society of Ind... ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Lynn Moncrief If you are interested in presenting this material to the ASI Board, please contact an ASI Board member before the June meeting. We would like to have a written proposal to send to Board mebers by May 1st, to include a discussion on the agenda for the June meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me or any other Board member Barbara E. Cohen becohen@well.sf.ca.us or becohen@prairienet.org ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 10:09:03 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Nancy Humphreys Subject: Re: FAQS ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I'm doing about 1,000 photos of the same person from different sources. Sorry my question wasn't clearer! The who index is about that person. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 10:09:22 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: s.heller6@genie.geis.com Subject: Re: ASI WEB site ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- If someone is starting a list of contributors/brainstormers, I'd like to be included. I too have been looking into the Web and HTML recently, and would like to contribute what I could. Steve Heller Book Publishing Co. Seattle ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 10:09:39 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Stephen E. Bach" Subject: Sources on HTML ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Jan Wright wrote: "...I have been reading up on HTML..." What sources have you been reading; what would you recommend? Stephen Bach, indexer ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 10:09:57 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Ned Bedinger Subject: Re: Indexing using wordprocessing software ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Oops, OK. WinWord 6.0. uSoft has promised something along the lines of a common macro language for Mac and PC in their Office application suite, but I don't think the time frame is very soecific. Does Mac Word really not include Word Basic? Ned Bedinger qwa@eskimo.com >----------------------------Original message---------------------------- >Ned, Mary Ellen, and others: When you talk about macros and such, it would >be helpful if you specified what platform you're using (IBM or Mac). Some >thing you can do on an IBM, you simply can't do on a Mac without >specialized software (and vice versa). Macros is one of 'em. Thanks. > >Cheers, > >Carol Roberts, indexer and copy editor | Life is good. >Carol.Roberts@mixcom.com | >Milwaukee, WI | > > ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 15:40:03 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: SageEdit@aol.com Subject: Re: Macros on Macs? ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Carol Roberts wrote "Some thing[s] you can do on an IBM, you simply can't do on a "Mac without specialized software (and vice versa). Macros is "one of 'em. I understood that AppleScript allows you to make macros on a Macintosh. (Though I haven't had time to investigate, I do have the Script Language Guide for PageMaker 5.0, my layout program of choice). Sally Jane Gellert/SageEdit@aol.com ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 15:40:31 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: SageEdit@aol.com Subject: Vaporware ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Carol Roberts wrote "I first starting hearing (from the makers) about a possible "Mac version of Cindex . . . in May 1993. . . . here we are in "March 1995 and still no Cindex for the Mac. (BTW, when Apple "pulls a stunt like that . . . it's called "vaporware.") I've heard that part of the vaporware strategy (whether used by Microsoft, Apple, or any other company) is to scare off competitors who may be working on similar products. Sally Jane Gellert/SageEdit@aol.com ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 15:40:52 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: SageEdit@aol.com Subject: Anyone Used Sonar Bookends? ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Has anyone used a program called Sonar Bookends by Virgina Software Systems? I understand that it indexes PageMaker, Quark, Word, or WordPerfect files (possibly some others) on either the Windows or Mac platform. It will index proper names, by word frequency (with a standard editable exception list), and/or from a custom list of terms. It sells for under $150. I'm a beginning indexer and am considering purchase. Any comments appreciated -- thanks. Sally Jane Gellert/SageEdit@aol.com ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 15:41:15 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Dick Ellis Subject: FileMaker Pro Bibliog??? ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Hi, I have a question and maybe a sad story. Probably the story will ask the question. We have created, over the past 10 years, a bibliography of supercomputing literature. It was mounted on FileMaker Pro and at this point in time there are approximately 4900 entries, all unique, consisting of journal articles, technical reports, book chapters, conference papers, conference presentations, and theses. The database consists of approximately 27 fields with a "repeating field" for authors names. Large, yes. In the past we have been asked to produce printed copies of the bib, which we did using the export function, to MWord, using a PERL script to clean out some of the extranneous commas and spaces. It is manageable if we only have to "dump" 200 or less entries (like a quarterly report), BUT recently I have been asked to do a PRINTout of the whole database, with only a one-week deadline. I have been exploring FileMaker, trying to create a continuous, wrap-around text, using global quotation marks, commas and periods to separate and delineate various fields, like putting quotes around the "article title" field, with a comma embedded between the right-side quote mark -- but FileMaker, when you DON'T use a field will NOT exclude the "embedded" elements. (Or should I say, I haven't yet discovered how to have them excluded automatically). Questions: If I / we decide to abandon FileMaker as the database to house this bib, what other possibilities are there which would allow fairly easy electronic access, data entry, and report creation? (oh, and don't forget the task of moving the Db from one Db to another...). Has anyone used FileMaker to create a bibliography and if so, were you able to create a standard-looking format without hours and hours of "wordprocessing" to clean it up? I'm sorta new at this stuff, but I have been involved now, for a few months. If my questions are not relevant to this list, please advise... ignore... thanks... Dick E. ----------------------------------************---------------------------- Dick Ellis, Librarian San Diego Supercomputer Center (619)534-5171 (voice) (619)534-5117 (fax) dellis@sdsc.edu "Go Moan for Mankind..." J. Kerouac ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:08:23 ECT Reply-To: becohen@prairienet.org Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Barbara E. Cohen" Subject: ASI Publicity Database ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I am currently creating a database for ASI for organizing our publicity efforts. At the moment, I am concentrating on adding the names and addresses (fax numbers too) of organizations with newsletters that have "calendar of events" columns in them, so that ASI could add a notice of our annual meeting. So, if you are a member of an organization with a newsletter with a calendar of events in it (any organization related to your indexing career, any subject area), please e-mail me the name and address, and the name of a contact person, if there is one mentioned. Thanks so much. I will be coming back to you with additional requests for information in the coming months. I am especially interested in locating the names (and addresses, etc.) of organizations that members of ASI belong to that we should be sharing publicity with about meetings, ASI publications, local chapter events, and that sort of thing. All contributions to this effort are gratefully accepted. Please respond directly at: becohen@well.sf.ca.us or becohen@prairienet.org Or mail me the information: Barbara E. Cohen ASI Publicity Committee 1708 Ridgeland Drive Champaign, IL 61821 . ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:08:52 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Jean Dartnall Subject: Re: FileMaker Pro Bibliog??? In-Reply-To: <199503232104.AA00831@jculib.jcu.edu.au> ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I have had some experience with a database package called InMagic which is specifically produced for this type of application. I've used it for stand alone catalogues in small special libraries. It comes with a template for that purpose but also offers the option to create your own record structure. It has almost unlimited field numbers, replication of fields which is optional for each record and lots of report producing options. I don't know how good it is for importing from other software because I've never done that but it might be worth exploring. Jean Jean Dartnall Information Services Librarian James Cook University of North Queensland Townsville Queensland Jean.Dartnall@jcu.edu.au ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:09:07 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Matt Miller Subject: Re: Sources on HTML In-Reply-To: <199503231645.IAA20566@netcom23.netcom.com> ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- > Jan Wright wrote: "...I have been reading up on HTML..." > What sources have you been reading; what would you recommend? > > Stephen Bach, indexer Stephen, I have found the book, "The World Wide Web UNLEASHED" put out by SAMS Publishing to be excellent. It is 1058 pages and retails for $35. I believe you can get 20% off through Macmillan Computer Publishing @ http://www.mcp.com/ (World Wide Web) or gopher.mcp.com (Gopher) or ftp.mcp.com (FTP). Matt Miller memiller@netcom.com ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:09:26 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Sequeira, Ms. Zaida" Subject: Re: Sources on HTML ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- unsuscribe zaida sequeira ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:12:24 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Shore Editorial Services Subject: Re: FAQS ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- "1,000 photos of the same person from different sources": now THAT's an indexing challenge indeed! I'd have an entry for "photographs of", then subentries by whatever classification seemed most logical and helpful: chronological ("at age 8, at age 30, at marriage, on deathbed"), or by source (photographed by Avedon, by Stieglitz; in "Life" magazine, in "People" magazine, in New York Times; etc.), or by some other organizing principle if one suggested itself. As always, the question is how will readers approach the book? Good luck--it would be interesting to hear how you solve the problem. Lys Ann Shore, Shore Editorial Services Lshore@paladin.iusb.indiana.edu ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:13:06 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Tom Dye Subject: Re: Sources on HTML ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- > > ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- > > Jan Wright wrote: "...I have been reading up on HTML..." > > What sources have you been reading; what would you recommend? > > > Stephen Bach, indexer > One quick way to get information on HTML is to access the Help information in Mosaic. Among other things, it includes a "Beginner's Guide to HTML." Another simple way to get ideas is to view the source mark-up language for any impressive Mosaic documents that you come across: File ==> View Source. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to work with HTML, and you can come up with a terrific home page if you have graphics capabilities. Tom Dye Cray Research, Inc. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:13:30 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Lynn Moncrief Subject: Re: ASI WEB site ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- This is to thank everyone who has indicated interest in the ASI Web site proposal committee. I've sent out the first mailing giving an overview of what the proposal could contain to start the actual discussion. However, it is not too late to get onto the e-mailing list by e-mailing me directly. I'll send you the initial mailing to get you up to speed. See Barbara Cohen's post to this list for the deadlines. Lynn Moncrief wyldfire@ix.netcom.com wildefire@aol.com ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:15:36 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Lori Lathrop <76620.456@compuserve.com> Subject: Re: ASI Web Site ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Lynn -- I'm definitely interested in participating on a cyber-committee to propose an ASI WWW site. BTW, can you provide more info on the book you mentioned? Lori Lathrop ----------> INTERNET:76620.456@compuserve.com (author of _An Indexer's Guide to the Internet_, published by ASI) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:16:00 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Jeff Finlay, NYU" Organization: St. Peter's College, US Subject: Re: Sources on HTML ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- > ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- > > Jan Wright wrote: "...I have been reading up on HTML..." > > What sources have you been reading; what would you recommend? > > > Stephen Bach, indexer Beginner's Guide to HTML - you want it? Read the current edition of Internet World in the stores - has lots of how-to info on the web. Also I just bought Teach yourself publishing on the Web in a Week by Sams publishing and it looks very good. Jeff ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:17:28 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Lynn Moncrief Subject: HTML sources ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Lori and Stephen, A good source on HTML, along with a lot of other material on creating Web sites and the WWW itself is: _World Wide Web Bible_ by Bryan Pfaffenberger MIS Press (a subsidiary of Henry Holt & Co., Inc.) It should be in the stores very soon--at the end of this month or the beginning of April. The book also contains a disk with a Web browser. Lynn Moncrief TECHindex & Docs ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:17:46 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: SageEdit@aol.com Subject: Re: FileMaker Pro Bibliog??? ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Dick Ellis asked about exporting formatted text to create a printout of a 4,900-entry database. The paramount question is, in what program will the final report be created? If it's PageMaker or Quark, the solution is DataShaper or XData, respectively. Either will let you format the text as you import it into the layout program. Sally Jane Gellert/SageEdit@aol.com ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:18:15 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: SageEdit@aol.com Subject: Re: FileMaker Pro Bibliog??? ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Dick Ellis asked about exporting formatted text to create a printout of a 4,900-entry database. The paramount question is, in what program will the final report be created? If it's PageMaker or Quark, the solution is DataShaper or XData, respectively. Either will let you format the text as you import it into the layout program. Sally Jane Gellert/SageEdit@aol.com P.S.: Please feel free to e-mail or call me directly (201/261-1373) if I can be of further help or if you'd like additional information. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:18:40 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Vicki Parke Organization: SLIS, University of Oklahoma Subject: images as indexable matter ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I am starting a small research project on images, diagrams, graphs, etc., particularly in articles, as indexable matter. Does anyone know of any studies that have been conducted on this topic? And yes I am a student. There does not seem to be a lot published on this topic and I would appreciate any help that I can get. Please respond to me at vparke@slis.lib.uknor.edu Thanks, Vicki Parke ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:19:32 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: HairyLarry@aol.com Subject: Re: Anyone Used Sonar Bookends? ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Sounds like a typical concordance software package. The word INDEX should not be used to describe such offerings, IMHO. Larry Harrison Hairylarry@aol.com ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:19:46 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: JanCW@aol.com Subject: Re: Sources on HTML ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Stephen Bach wrote "What sources have you been reading; what would you recommend?" ___________ Two books I have been looking at are: _Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML_ by Laura Lemay, SAMS Publishing, 1995 and _HTML Manual of Style_ by Larry Aronson, ZD Press, 1994. I also have a copy of _HyperText Markup Language Specification - 2.0_ by the HyperText Markup Language Working Group, 1994. Discussions of that group are archived at URL: http://www.acl.lanl.gov/HTML/Html-archive.subject-index.html. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:20:05 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Kristen Black Subject: Re: ASI WEB site ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I'm also interested in helping create an ASI Web site. I'm just learning about HTML and the complexities of the Web, and this would be a great way to learn more. Kristen Black kristenb@wordperfect.com ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 16:55:22 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Charlotte Skuster Subject: Western NY ASI Spring Meeting ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Western New York ASI Spring Meeting Date: May 6, 1995 Time: 11:00-3:00 Place: CINDEX offices 100 Allens Creek Road Rochester, NY Agenda: Business meeting Report from the Australia Conference Lunch (will be provided for $5.00) Marketing your Services--speaker to be announced Watch your mail and/or this spot for futher information Contact: Charlotte Skuster 607-777-4122 (days) 607-336-3110 (evenings, weekends) cskuster@library.lib.binghamton.edu skuster@bingvmb.bitnet ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:20:47 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Linda Sloan Subject: HTML Sources ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Hello, I'm new and am interested in the web page you're talking about. I have a list of online sources for HTML that could help all of us just starting out with this technology. o PC Week Lab's Crash course on writing documents for the Web http://www.pcweek.ziff.com/~eamonn/crash_course.html How to write HTML http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimer.html HTML Tutorials http://curia.ucc.ie/info/net/htmldoc.html http://fire.clarkson.edu/doc/html/htut.html HTML Style Guides http://www.willamette.edu/html-composition/strict-html.html http://bookweb.cwis.uci.edu:8042/Staff/StyleGuide.html http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/Provider/Style/Overview.html HTML FAQ http://www.umcc.umich.edu/~ec/www/html_faq.html HTML Quick Reference http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLQuickRef.html HTML official specifications http://info.cern.ch/pub/www/doc/html-spec.multi The Annotated HTML DTD (Document Type Definition) http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/HTML.dtd.html HTML+ DTD The Latest HTML+ Draft ftp://ds.internic.net/internet-drafts/draft-raggett-www-html-00.* HTTP Specifications http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/Protocols/HTTP/HTTP2.html o PC Week Lab's Crash course on writing documents for the Web http://www.pcweek.ziff.com/~eamonn/crash_course.html How to write HTML http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimer.html HTML Tutorials http://curia.ucc.ie/info/net/htmldoc.html http://fire.clarkson.edu/doc/html/htut.html HTML Style Guides http://www.willamette.edu/html-composition/strict-html.html http://bookweb.cwis.uci.edu:8042/Staff/StyleGuide.html http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/Provider/Style/Overview.html HTML FAQ http://www.umcc.umich.edu/~ec/www/html_faq.html HTML Quick Reference http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLQuickRef.html HTML official specifications http://info.cern.ch/pub/www/doc/html-spec.multi The Annotated HTML DTD (Document Type Definition) http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/HTML.dtd.html HTML+ DTD The Latest HTML+ Draft ftp://ds.internic.net/internet-drafts/draft-raggett-www-html-00.* HTTP Specifications http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/Protocols/HTTP/HTTP2.html ******************************************************* Indexing the Universe then maybe we can find it. Information Universe Indexing information for easy access to knowledge. **************************************************** ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:21:02 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Barbara E. Cohen" Subject: Re: ASI WEB site ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Lynn: You may want to contact Tom McFadden, who has been central to ASI's computer efforts up til now. He may have some ideas about how to proceed, and he is currently on the Board (until June) Barbara ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:41:54 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Ned Bedinger Subject: Re: Anyone Used Sonar Bookends? ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Nope, never heard of it but it sounds as if the vendor is trying to foist yet another "automatic indexing" ruse onto people who know no better. Two things to look for in indexing software: it should cost a whale of a lot of money if it claims to discern meaning in English text (presumably based on something more than grammar), and it should fit neatly with your own intellectual processes for analyzing information and discerning its meaning, organization, structure, etc. >----------------------------Original message---------------------------- >Has anyone used a program called Sonar Bookends by Virgina Software Systems? > I understand that it indexes PageMaker, Quark, Word, or WordPerfect files >(possibly some others) on either the Windows or Mac platform. It will index >proper names, by word frequency (with a standard editable exception list), >and/or from a custom list of terms. It sells for under $150. >I'm a beginning indexer and am considering purchase. >Any comments appreciated -- thanks. >Sally Jane Gellert/SageEdit@aol.com > > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:42:20 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: James R Farned Subject: Re: Indexing/Sci-fi story In-Reply-To: <199502280126.RAA27120@coyote.rain.org> ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- note to all interested in sci-fi mentions of indexing: check out Vonnegut's characterization in Cat's Cradle ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:42:35 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Michael K. Smith" Subject: Re: ASI WEB site In-Reply-To: <199503221720.AA26870@metronet.com> ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- On Wed, 22 Mar 1995 JanCW@aol.com wrote: > ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- > I am definately interested in helping this happen, as I have been reading up > on HTML and looking at Web pages, but have not had access to help build one > yet. Anyone else interested? > > Jan Wright > Wright Information Indexing Services I've been following these posts and I'm definitely interested. The library I'm on the staff of is in the process of going online, including a Web page, and I've already gotten sucked into that. I'm also in the process, even as we speak, of converting my personal dial-up account to PPP, so I'll be ready. Another resource that should be included: Pointers to *chapter* information, either in someone's text files or in the account of someone in each chapter. Michael K. Smith mksmith@metronet.com +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It doesn't TAKE all kinds, we just HAVE all kinds ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:42:51 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Daveream@aol.com Subject: Cindex on other platforms ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- While I cannot speak as Indexing Research, Leverage Technologies is the corporate account rep for their products. An early prototype of the MAC version has been demonstrated at past ASI meetings. A revised prototype is in existence. However, as Larry Harrison noted, our current efforts have been to port Cindex to Windows first. We having been using the MAC design to support this effort somewhat. We also want both GUI platforms to be as compatible as possible as well which has lead to a see-saw type of design effort although I expect a Windows version will be available first. No one has to my understanding ever stated an actual delivery date so it can't be said that the product is "late" and is vaporware. We have stated our intentions to provide Cindex on both platforms. There are only so many resources and GUIs are harder to develop for/port to, i.e., "undoing" DOS code to work on the newer platforms is a paradigm shift. Recoding is occurring to move from 16-bit coding to 32-bit as well. All I can say in summary is that both MAC and Windows are in different stages of development. The goal is to provide cross-platform products that work as much alike without violating the "standards" for providing products on those platforms. For Indexing Research and LevTech, Dave Ream ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:43:25 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Judy Chalmers Subject: Using Inmagic or Concordance Software ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I am working on a prototype database project and evaluation of Inmagic and Concordance for a full text database of contracts. This project is both for the agency where I work and for my systems analysis and design class in library school. I would appreciate any comments from users of either software regarding strenGths and weaknesses, search capabilities, retrieval efficiency, or w size/space of a large database. d Please respond directly to G_CHALMERS@VENUS.TWU.EDU tHANKS. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:43:41 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Carol Roberts Subject: Re: Indexing using wordprocessing software ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- >Oops, OK. WinWord 6.0. uSoft has promised something along the lines of a >common macro >language for Mac and PC in their Office application suite, but I don't think >the time frame is very soecific. Does Mac Word >really not include Word Basic? > I never heard of Word Basic. Since I have a Mac, obviously the Word I have is not Word for Windows but the real Word. ;-) The only two things I know of for producing macros on a Mac are QuicKeys and AppleScript. There's a shareware program similar to QuicKeys, too, but I can't remember the name of it. Carol Roberts, indexer and copy editor | Life is good. Carol.Roberts@mixcom.com | Milwaukee, WI | ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:43:56 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Eric Dahlin Subject: ACH/ALLC '95 ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- ========================================================================== PLEASE POST AND REDISTRIBUTE ========================================================================== ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTERS AND THE HUMANITIES ASSOCIATION FOR LITERARY AND LINGUISTIC COMPUTING 1995 JOINT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ACH-ALLC 95 JULY 11-15, 1995 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA On behalf of the Executive Councils of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, we cordially invite you to attend the seventh annual joint international conference, to be held at the University of California, Santa Barbara, July 11-15, 1995. This conference is the major forum for discussion of the preparation, encoding, and use of character-based electronic text and for computer-based research in literature, linguistics, and related humanities disciplines. It will include presentations on the development of new computing methodologies for research and teaching in the humanities, on the development of significant new materials and tools for humanities research, and on the application and evaluation of computing techniques in humanities subjects. The Association for Computers and the Humanities is a professional society for scholars working in computer- related research in literature and language studies, history, philosophy, and other disciplines of the humanities. The Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing was founded in 1973 as an international association to promote the development of literary and linguistic computing. Overview: --------- As a preliminary event, an optional tour of the city of Santa Barbara has been scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday, July 11, from 1pm to 4pm. The conference will officially begin in the late afternoon and evening of Tuesday, July 11, with a reception, opening addresses, and an optional banquet. Concurrent sessions will begin on the morning of Wednesday, July 12, and continue through to closing at noon on Saturday, July 15. An optional beach barbecue will be held on the evening of Friday, July 14. An optional winery tour will take place on the afternoon of Saturday, July 15, after the closing of the conference. Room and board accommodations are available in campus dormitories at economical rates, and rooms are available at special conference rates at a variety of area motels and hotels. Details are given below. Air Transportation to Santa Barbara: ------------------------------------ The Santa Barbara/Goleta Airport provides jet service by United Airlines from major international airports in San Francisco and Denver. Several forms of transportation are available between Los Angeles International Airport and Santa Barbara, including commuter flights, rental cars and bus service, particularly the Santa Barbara Airbus, which has several scheduled pick-ups daily from LAX. Please phone them directly at (805) 964-7759 for more information. Or, you can send them a fax at (805) 683-0307. Complimentary Shuttle Service: ------------------------------ UCSB Campus Conference Services will provide complimentary Shuttle Service to campus from the Santa Barbara Airport ONLY. The shuttle vehicle will be marked "UCSB Conferences." Pick-up will be in front of the terminal or near the baggage area. If you do not see the shuttle vehicle, call the Anacapa Residence Hall Desk at 893-2189. Please make sure to write this number down so that you can easily access it upon your arrival. Bus: ---- Bus service to Santa Barbara is provided by Greyhound. The Greyhound terminal is located in downtown Santa Barbara. Taxi service is available from the terminal to campus. Train: ------ Train service to Santa Barbara is provided by Amtrak. The Amtrak terminal is located in downtown Santa Barbara. Taxi service is available from the terminal to campus. Car: ---- UCSB is readily accessible from US 101. When driving north on US 101 (from LA), travel through Santa Barbara and, about 10 miles north of Santa Barbara, take the Airport/UCSB Highway 217 exit which leads directly onto campus. When driving south on US 101 (from San Francisco), take the Storke Rd./UCSB exit, travel about 1 mile on Storke turning left onto El Colegio Road which leads directly onto campus. When entering campus, stop at the campus gate and request directions to Anacapa Residence Hall; however, if you will be arriving on Wednesday and especially if you are NOT residing on campus, you may wish to ask for directions to the University Center, where registration will continue to take place and the conference sessions will be held. Parking: -------- Parking at UCSB is by permit only. When you arrive at UCSB you can receive directions and a temporary parking permit from the gate attendant by identifying yourself as an ACH/ALLC attendee. This temporary permit will need to be replaced with the permit you will receive either when you check-in at the Residence Hall or during Registration if you are staying off-campus. Parking is complimentary for those residing in the Residence Hall. Please indicate with the Desk Staff at check-in if you will be needing a permit. Attendees residing off-campus may purchase a weekly parking permit by indicating this on the Registration Form. There is a substantial savings in purchasing a weekly pass, as the daily parking rate is $5.00. Parking citations are issued for failure to display permits and/or parking in incorrect areas. The Santa Barbara Area: ----------------------- The city of Santa Barbara, founded by the Spanish in the 18th Century, is considered to be one of the jewels of the California coast. It lies approximately 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles, nestled against the Santa Ynez mountains overlooking the Pacific Ocean. In July, the days are warm (75 degrees F) and the nights are cool (55 degrees F) with occasional morning fog. Nearby are excellent ocean beaches, lakes, forests and mountains with varied hiking trails. Daily excursions can be made to the Hearst Castle, the flower fields of Lompoc and the Old World Village of Solvang. In Santa Barbara you can visit the Mission, our famous Court House or the Botanical Gardens. Dress: ------ Casual clothing is in order with a sweater or light jacket occasionally needed for the evenings. UCSB is essentially a walking campus, so be sure to wear comfortable shoes. Registration: ------------- On-site registration will be held from 2 to 7 pm on Tuesday, July 11 in the Anacapa Residence Hall. Registration will resume in the University Center on Wednesday, July 12, from 8 am to 3 pm. On-Campus Housing Information: ------------------------------ Plan A includes lodging Monday through Friday nights and the following meals: breakfast and lunch on Tuesday (the Welcoming Reception Tuesday evening is included in the registration fee; there is an additional charge for the Banquet Tuesday evening); breakfast, lunch and dinner on Wednesday; breakfast, lunch and dinner on Thursday; breakfast and lunch on Friday (there is an additional charge for the Beach BBQ Friday evening; if you prefer a dining commons meal Friday night, you will need to purchase a ticket at the door of the commons); breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Plan A Cost: $315.00 (Single Occupancy) $249.00 (Double Occupancy) Plan B includes lodging Tuesday through Friday nights and the following meals: lunch on Tuesday (the Welcoming Reception Tuesday evening is included in the registration fee; there is an additional charge for the Banquet Tuesday evening); breakfast, lunch and dinner on Wednesday; breakfast, lunch and dinner on Thursday; breakfast and lunch on Friday (there is an additional charge for the Beach BBQ Friday evening; if you prefer a dining commons meal Friday night, you will need to purchase a ticket at the door of the commons); breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Plan B Cost: $268.00 (Single Occupancy) $215.00 (Double Occupancy) If you wish to stay in the dormitories for the extra night of Saturday, July 15, you may do so for a lodging fee of $42, single occuppancy, or $29, double occupancy. No meals are included in this fee. Commuter Lunch Packages are available for those residing off-campus or in University Apartments. Four and Five-lunch packages are available, depending on your length of stay. Cost: $33.00 (4 lunches) $42.00 (5 lunches) University Apartments: A limited number of off-campus two bedroom apartments are available on a weekly basis only, Sunday through Saturday. The apartments could easily accommodate those traveling with families. Meals and campus parking are not included. Cost: $454.00 (weekly rate) Off-Campus Accommodations: -------------------------- Blocks of rooms have been reserved, at special conference rates, for the hotels listed (except for Fess Parker's Red Lion Resort, where reservations will be based on availability only). Rooms will be released June 9, 1995. Thereafter, reservations can be obtained only on a space available basis. The conference takes place during the heavy tourist season and rooms may not be available if you do not act prior to the release date. Please contact the hotel directly as soon as possible. To obtain the special rate, please identify yourself clearly as an attendee of the 1995 Joint International Conference--ACH/ALLC. (You will need to ask for the UCSB special rate if you choose to stay at Fess Parker's Red Lion Resort.) The special rates given below will not necessarily apply to Friday or Saturday night stayovers; please check with the individual hotel should you need additional accommodation. None of the hotels listed below are within walking distance of the UCSB campus. Rates do not include 10% tax. You will be asked for either first night payment in advance or a current major credit card account number to hold the room. [The following hotels offer morning and evening shuttle service to and from UCSB. You MUST indicate your needs at the time you check-in.] Pacifica Suites 5490 Hollister, Goleta, CA 93117 (805) 683-6722 $85 (Single); $95 (Double) Rate includes up to two complimentary cooked-to-order breakfasts, two rooms, two TVs, microwave, stereo, refrigerator, pool and Jacuzzi. Complimentary beverages served from 5 - 7 p.m. Best Western South Coast Inn 5620 Calle Real, Goleta, CA 93117 (805) 967-3200 $73 (Single/Double) Continental Breakfast included. Holiday Inn 5650 Calle Real, Goleta, CA 93117 (805) 964-6241 $63 (Single/Double) Free airport shuttle service also provided. Best Western Pepper Tree Inn 3850 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (805) 687-5511 $120 - $136 range Located mid-way between downtown Santa Barbara and the UCSB campus. Free shuttle service also provided to and from the Santa Barbara Airport. [The following hotels do NOT offer shuttle service to UCSB. You must provide your own transportation.] El Encanto Hotel 1900 Lasuen Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93103 (805) 687-5000 $90.00 Located in the foothills of Santa Barbara, with a 15 minute drive to campus, the historic El Encanto Hotel features garden villas and cottages with spectacular views of the ocean. Fess Parker's Red Lion Resort (Reservations based on availability only) 633 E. Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara, CA 93103 (805) 564-4333 $119.00 Located directly across from the ocean near Stearn's Wharf and downtown shopping. Airport shuttle service available. Please contact the resort ahead of time to inquire about the service. You must ask for the UCSB special rate when making your reservation. Tour Information: ----------------- Santa Barbara City & Shopping Tour: Tuesday, July 11, 1995 (1:00 - 4:00 pm) Cost: $24 per person (3 hours) A scenic driving tour will feature a stop at the Santa Barbara Mission, with its dramatic twin towers and lovely inner courtyard and garden. A stop at the courthouse, one of the most beautiful public buildings in the country, along with a ride to the top of the clock tower for a 360 degree view of the city is included. Time will be devoted to sampling the wonderful modern and antique shops, galleries and boutiques in the downtown area, as well as at the new mall "Paseo Nuevo." Winery Tour: Saturday, July 15, 1995 (1:00 - approximately 5:30 pm) Cost: $28 per person (4.5 hours) Enjoy a scenic drive from Santa Barbara through the Santa Ynez Mountains and over San Marcos Pass. Once in the Santa Ynez Valley, a visit to one of Santa Barbara County's award-winning wineries will be made for a tour and wine tasting. A stop at the Danish village of Solvang where Danish architecture, windmills, charming shops and interesting outlet stores is also planned. ****************************** cut here *********************************** Registration Form ACH/ALLC '95 July 11-15, 1995 University of California, Santa Barbara ======================================= Name: name tag should read: Affiliation: Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Special Needs (including dietary): Payment of Fees: ---------------- Payment in U.S. Dollars may be made by: Personal Check Money Order Bank Check [Checks must be drawn on a U.S. Bank and should be made payable to U.C. Regents.] Credit Card: VISA or MASTERCARD International Wire Transfer (in U.S. Dollars) from your bank to: Bank of America San Francisco Commercial Banking, Office (#1499) 555 California Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Account #07805-00030 Regents of University of California Santa Barbara. Reference: ACH/ALLC [If using this latter method of payment; please add an additional $10 to the total to cover the bank's fee for this service.] Payment (please check appropriate box): ___ Personal Check ___ Money Order ___ Bank check is enclosed ___ Wire Transfer [please enclosed a copy of the wire transfer receipt with your registration] Please charge to my credit card: ___ MasterCard ___ Visa Credit Card #: Expiration Date: Signature: Date: Please complete and return this form with your remittance to: ACH/ALLC '95, c/o Campus Conference Services University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6120 Phone: (805) 893-3072 Fax: (805) 893-7287 E-mail: hr03conf@ucsbvm.ucsb.edu Refunds, less a $25 administrative charge, will be given to registrants whose written requests are received prior to June 19, 1995. For questions regarding accommodations and registration, please contact: Sally Vito Phone: (805) 893-3072 E-mail: hr03vito@ucsbvm.ucsb.edu Please check applicable items below ------------------------------------ Registration fees: ___ $150 (ACH/ALLC members) Prior to June 5, 1995 $ ______ ___ $175 (ACH/ALLC members) Postmarked after June 5, 1995 $ ______ ___ $170 (non-members) Prior to June 5, 1995 $ ______ ___ $195 (non-members) Postmarked after June 5, 1995 $ ______ ___ Guests $45 $ ______ name: ___ Graduate Students $45 $ ______ ___ One-day rate (specify day & date) $75 $ ______ On-campus Housing: ___ Plan A, Single Occupancy, $315.00 $ ______ ___ Plan A, Double Occupancy, $249.00 $ ______ For double occupancy, name of person you want to share with, if known: ___ Plan B, Single Occupancy, $268.00 $ ______ ___ Plan B, Double Occupancy, $215.00 $ ______ For double occupancy, name of person you want to share with, if known: Stay over Saturday night, July 15, no meals included: ___ Single Occupancy, $42 $ ------ ___ Double occupancy, $29 $ ______ ___ University Apartment, $454.00 $ ______ Parking: ___ Parking Permit (off-campus attendees) $10 $ ______ (covers Monday through Saturday) Commuter Lunch Package: ___ 4-lunch package $33 $ ______ ___ 5-lunch package $42 $ ______ Optional Events ___ Banquet (Tuesday) $40 x ___ number of people $ ______ ___ Beach BBQ (Friday) $26 x ___ number of people $ ______ ___ Santa Barbara City & Shopping Tour $24 per person $ ______ [Tuesday, July 11] ___ Santa Ynez/Winery/Solvang Tour $28 per person $ ______ [Saturday, July 15] TOTAL $________________ ***************************** cut here ************************************ International Program Committee: Chair: Elaine Brennan ATLIS Consulting Group (ACH) Marilyn Deegan Oxford University (ALLC) Gordon Dixon Manchester Metropolitan University (ALLC) Marianne Gaunt Rutgers University (ACH) Susan Hockey Rutgers and Princeton Universities (ALLC) Nancy Ide Vassar College (ACH) Espen Ore University of Bergen (ALLC) Willard McCarty University of Toronto (ACH) Local Organizer: Eric Dahlin University of California, Santa Barbara HCF1DAHL@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu ========================================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:47:27 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: JanCW@aol.com Subject: html sources ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Stephen Bach wrote "What sources have you been reading; what would you recommend?" ___________ Two books I have been looking at are: _Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML_ by Laura Lemay, SAMS Publishing, 1995 and _HTML Manual of Style_ by Larry Aronson, ZD Press, 1994. I also have a copy of _HyperText Markup Language Specification - 2.0_ by the HyperText Markup Language Working Group, 1994. Discussions of that group are archived at URL: http://www.acl.lanl.gov/HTML/Html-archive.subject-index.html. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 13:51:38 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Nancy Humphreys Subject: Re: FAQS ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Thanks for the ideas on indexing a person--I've also thought of describing what the person is doing, clothing and how much of them you see--I'm still looking for words to define the latter--i.e. what does upper body mean? Thanks for your idea about age. Nancy ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 Mar 1995 12:04:26 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Lynn Moncrief Subject: Re: ASI WEB site ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- You wrote: > >----------------------------Original message---------------------------- >Lynn: > >You may want to contact Tom McFadden, who has been central to ASI's >computer efforts up til now. He may have some ideas about how to >proceed, and he is currently on the Board (until June) > >Barbara > > My last attempt to thank everyone on the list who has signed up for the committee was bounced back to me via the Internet mail daemons. (I've been hearing from them a lot lately.) Unfortunately, in the volume of mail, etc. going on with the cyber-committee, I forgot to resend it. So here we go again. :-) Thanks to everyone involved, the committee (and the mailing list) is quite large now with a lot of assembled talent. The intellectual synergy and enthusiasm has been tremendous. Ideas have been whizzing back and forth and this proposal is really starting to take form. If there is anyone out there who still wants to join the committee, please let me know via direct e-mail (faster than posting to the list). However, I may have to close the mailing list to new members soon because it is becoming unwieldy in that I don't have personal listserve capabilities. :-) (Tom's in the loop, Barbara. I added him to the mailing list Friday or Saturday and mailed him an update, so he should know what's going on. Did I forget to let you know that? Sheeesh! Sorry.) Lynn ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 28 Mar 1995 12:04:44 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Hannah King Subject: WWW vs. gopher ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- We've compared various indexing software now let's compare indexing on the Internet. As an indexing tool, how would you compare gopher and the web? Which does a better job in helping people locate information on the Internet? Would you say gopher is more like a table of contents and the web is more like an index? What about vocabulary control? Number of "undifferentiated locators" meaning the list of files retrieved? Does either of these finding tools provide some kind of cross-referencing? Does either group like things together so that one term or phrase gets one to appropriate information or do they both demand that you consider too many entry points to assure comprehensive retrieval? Just curious if anyone is examining these tools as indexing tools besides me. Hannah King SUNY HSC Library at Syracuse kingh@vax.cs.hscsyr.edu