From: SMTP%"" 6-JUN-1995 15:08:55.55 To: CIRJA02 CC: Subj: File: "INDEX-L LOG9505B" Date: Tue, 6 Jun 1995 15:09:39 +0000 From: BITNET list server at BINGVMB (1.8a) Subject: File: "INDEX-L LOG9505B" To: CIRJA02@GSVMS1.CC.GASOU.EDU ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 13:41:56 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Lori Lathrop <> Subject: Re: ASI-Denver ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- -------- Forwarded Message -------- FROM: Lori Lathrop, 76620,456 TO: INDEX-L, DATE: 05-May-95 at 15:15:30 SUBJECT: Re: ASI-Denver In response to Neva J. Smith (, who said: > An idea for 1996 (may be too late for 95): > > It would be nice for the local/host chapter to have a hospitality > discussion or distribution list where national/international ASI members > could ask questions about the area, hotels other than the official one, > good tourist attractions, etc. > [stuff deleted] How nice to see such early interest in the '96 ASI Conference, which will be in Denver! :-) We have a large and active ASI chapter, and we have already begun gathering the kind of info you mentioned. Also, if you attend the conference in Montreal, you'll be able to obtain brochures, etc. on tourist attractions, accommodations, restaurants, etc. in the Denver area. Also, for those of you who subscribe to America Online, the Indexing folder has already had some discussion on event planning ideas for the '96 Conference. The Colorado chapter of ASI wants to help the ASI office as much as possible in planning the '96 conference, and we will appreciate any input from indexers who plan to come to Colorado next year. I'll be in Montreal for this year's conference, and I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new friends. If you see me there, please introduce yourself and feel free to ask any questions you might have about Denver. My e-mail address is below. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions concerning the '96 conference. ************************************************************************* Lori Lathrop --------------> or current President, ASI - Colorado Chapter ************************************************************************* ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 13:42:09 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Barbara E. Cohen" Subject: Re: ASI-Denver ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- To Neva Smith and anyone else attending the ASI meeting in Montreal: We expect to have information about the 1996 conference available in Montreal. We already have the dates and place for the 1996 conference, and planning has begun on the program. Look for additional information in the June/July issue of the ASI newsletter, KEY WORDS. Barbara E. Cohen Secretary, ASI ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 13:42:24 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Lynn Moncrief Subject: Re: ASI-Denver ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Neva, Excellent idea. I'm wishing that we had something like this available for the Montreal conference, especially being that I waited too long to make my hotel reservations and now the hotel is all booked up! Lynn Moncrief TECHindex & Docs You wrote: > >----------------------------Original message---------------------------- > >An idea for 1996 (may be too late for 95): > >It would be nice for the local/host chapter to have a hospitality >discussion or distribution list where national/international ASI members >could ask questions about the area, hotels other than the official one, >good tourist attractions, etc. > >This idea was was put into practice by the Hospitality Committee of the >Special Libraries Association for their conference in Montreal, which >follows ASI's conference. Naturally, I thought it might be good for ASI, too. > >Neva >> = - * - = < = > = - * - = < = > = - * - = < = > = - * - = < = >Neva J. Smith, MLIS DataSmiths Information Services > PO Box 2157 / Round Rock, TX 78680 >email: >voice: (512) 244-2767 Editor, _Library Currents_ > PO Box 2199 / Round Rock, TX 78680 > ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 13:42:43 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Elinor Lindheimer Subject: Re: Montreal ASI/IASC/SCAD conference ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- To all who are planning on attending the Montreal conference and have not made hotel reservations yet: It has come to our attention that all of the rooms blocked out for this conference have been taken, and there are no other rooms available. Nor are there rooms at nearby hotels. However, I have spent some time with the AAA book and discovered that there ARE rooms to be had in Montreal, and in the outlying areas, both near and not near the Metro subway system. Those of you who have cars might want to try the lower-cost outlying regions. If you need a recommendation and don't have access to a AAA book or some other type of guide, you can call me at (707) 937-1646. It seems we had not planned on so many attendees NOT sharing rooms, and we are VERY sorry that the Grand Prix weekend has filled up the rest of the hotel. Elinor Elinor Lindheimer Mendocino, CA ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 13:46:16 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Subject: Latest addition to SIGIR'95 program ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- ________________________________________________________ REUSABILITY, INTERCHANGEABILITY, AND COMPATIBILITY: ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS OF TEXT ENCODING STANDARDS Lou Burnard, Oxford University Judith Klavans, Columbia University C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, University of Illinois at Chicago A PRE-CONFERENCE COURSE to be held in association with SIGIR '95: 18th International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval Seattle, WA, USA Saturday, July 8, 1995 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ________________________________________________________ SIGIR '95, an international research conference on information retrieval theory, systems, practice and applications, will be held in Seattle, WA, from July 9-13. On the Saturday prior to the conference, a one-day course will be offered covering the theory and practice of markup languages for the representation of textual and other data, such as SGML and the Text Encoding Initiative. Taught by Lou Burnard, Judith Klavans, and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The representation of textual data has raised serious problems since the early days of digital technology. Incompatibility between representations range from simple formatting issues, such as word delimitation, to data encoding schemes, such as 7-bit encoding for English, 8-bit for accented languages, up to 32-bit for Asian languages. Furthermore, the complications seem to be growing as the amount of digital data increases. Recognizing the predicament these complications cause in the information age, a group of researchers and practitioners, sponsored by the Association for Computational Linguistics, the Association for Computers and the Humanities, and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, joined in 1988 to explore ways to resolve the serious emerging incompatibilities in the representation of text. The Text Encoding Initiative has addressed these problems by developing detailed SGML Document Type Definitions (DTDs) to achieve comprehensive and generalizable encoding standards for a range of data types, from verse to syntactic analyses, from spoken language to hypertext, from terminological data to multilingual corpora. This one-day course will consist of three parts: the first will describe the challenges raised by the three ``abilities'' which concern effective text representation: reusability, interchangeability, and compatibility. The next section of the course will present the types of data handled so far by the TEI encoding scheme, some of the problems already solved, some ongoing projects, and some unsettled questions. If hands-on is possible, we will provide a session to experience the strengths of using the TEI for building intelligent text data bases from existing on-line texts. Otherwise, we will demonstrate widely available software and discuss practical issues in using the TEI for building intelligent text data bases from existing on-line texts. The course will be of interest to: computer scientists who are building large test-beds of textual data, researchers who must analyze and encode representational systems over such data, practitioners who must solve the incompatibility problem by choosing a standard encoding scheme for textual data, SGML hackers who want to know more about TEI DTDs, humanists who want to learn more about the issues in text representation. Since most of IR currently operates over textual data, the indexing issues in the TEI are of particular and pressing interest to the IR audience. Further information can be found at: Questions re workshop content should be directed to C.M. Sperberg-McQueen,; addresses for queries re registration and accommodation are given below. MATERIALS AND PRESENTERS All participants will be provided with a printed introductory summary guide to the TEI scheme and supporting materials on PC disks, including full versions of the TEI DTDs, public domain SGML software and sample TEI texts. The electronic version of the Guidelines will also be provided. Lou Burnard, of Oxford University Computing Services, is the European editor of the TEI project. He has degrees in English literature from Oxford, and has worked in computers since the seventies. His areas of expertise are in the applications of computing to linguistic and literary research, particularly with reference to database and text retrieval systems. He has published and lectured widely on these and related topics. His present responsibilities, aside from TEI work, include management of the British National Corpus project at OUCS, and the Oxford Text Archive, of which he is Director. Judith Klavans is the Director of the Center for Research on Information Access (CRIA) at Columbia University. The goals of the Center, established in January 1995, are to integrate and coordinate the various digital library related activities at Columbia University, to push forward research on technologies related to information access, and to serve as a source of information on the technological aspects of digital library applications to external projects. Dr. Judith Klavans has a research career which combines aspects of computer science and linguistics, including the automatic acquisition of lexical knowledge, multilingual text analysis, and the development of symbolic techniques for the presentation of information within the context of digital libraries. C. M. Sperberg-McQueen is a senior research programmer at the academic computer center at the University of Illinois at Chicago; he currently works in the database group, on SGML applications and the university library's information arcade. Since 1988 he has been editor in chief of the ACH/ACL/ALLC Text Encoding Initiative. REGISTRATION: Cost of the course is $50 before May 29 and $65 after May 29 which includes a box lunch and course documentation. The attached registration form covers this course only. Attendance at SIGIR '95 is not required for this course. Those wishing to attend SIGIR as well should complete the separate SIGIR registration form; a copy plus full information on SIGIR '95, including descriptions of tutorials, workshops, all technical sessions, and accommodation, etc. is available from (\public\sigir95\program) by anonymous ftp; or via WWW at URL: sigir/conferences/SIGIR_95_adv.pgm.html; or request a copy of the program by mail by contacting The course venue will depend on enrolment but at present it is expected that it will be at the SIGIR conference hotel, the Seattle Sheraton Hotel & Towers, 1400 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101. Details of conference accomodation are available from the ftp and www addreses above. Cut here: >-------------------------------------------------- SGML/TEI COURSE REGISTRATION FORM in conjunction with SIGIR '95 Seattle, WA, USA, July 8, 1995 Please use block letters or type, and tick where appropriate __ Mr. __ Ms. __ Dr. __ Prof. Other: ______ LAST NAME:________________ FIRST NAME:_______________________ BADGE NAME (if different): __________________________________ COMPANY/ORGANIZATION:________________________________________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________ CITY:__________________ STATE:______ ZIP CODE: __________ COUNTRY:_______________ PHONE: ( ___ )____________________ FAX: ( ___ ) _______________ EMAIL: ________________________ COURSE REGISTRATION FEE: $50 prior to May 29; $65 after May 29) $ ________________ DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL NEEDS? Please explain: ___________________________________________________________ ARE YOU ALSO ATTENDING SIGIR '95? ____ yes ____ no METHOD OF PAYMENT (US Currency only): __ Check payable to ACM/SIGIR95 __ Credit card (Visa, MC, AMEX) ____________________________________ Credit card number, expiration date ______________________________________ Signature, date (I authorize to charge my account fees indicated above) Return Registration Form by May 29 to qualify for early registration. Use fax or email (credit card payment) or mail check or credit card) to: SIGIR95 c/o Convention Services Northwest 1809 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1414 Seattle, WA 98101 USA Fax: +1 206-292-0559 Email: (Registration queries to: +1 206-292-9198 (Ask for Sarah Amendola) ______________________________________________________________ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 11:02:03 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Barbara E. Cohen" Subject: Re: ASI-Denver ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Lynn Moncrief: I just want to state briefly that there was information on Montreal available at the San Diego meeting and in KEY WORDS about the hotel, etc., well ind advance. I'm sorry that the hotel is booked solid, but I know that at least one of the speakers has loctaed an inexpensive B&B nearby. You might try that as well. Ideas about the Denver conference should be addressed to the ASI Admin Office until Ann Blum or a write-in candidate emerges as the next Vice-president/President Elect (whose duty it is to plan the following year's conference). Barbara E. Cohen ASI Secretary ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 12:26:03 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Efthimis N. Efthimiadis" Subject: Dr Penniman talks at UCLA 5/17 ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Partnering for Survival: Collaboration between publishers and libraries in a competitive world W. David Penniman Date: Wednesday, May 17, 1995 Time: 4-6pm Place: Room 111 GSE&IS Building, UCLA Dr. Penniman is a consultant to management who has worked in a variety of roles as researcher, manager, and planner of information systems and services and most recently as a foundation president raising funds for and supporting research in the library arena. His current work is in strategic planning and development of new information services and collaborative arrangements to develop such services. He is well-known to the library and information science communities through his work at Battelle Memorial Institute, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Bell Laboratories, and his presidency of the Council on Library Resources and of the American Society for Information Science. Reception to follow, sponsored by the UCLA Student Chapter of the American Society for Information Science. Parking available on campus for $5; use UCLA entrance at Hilgard & Wyton. For more information, contact Lydia Doplemore at 310-825 8799. Efthimis N. Efthimiadis Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science Graduate School of Education & Information Studies University of California at Los Angeles 241 GSE&IS Building, 152003 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1520 tel: 310-825-8975; fax: 310-206-4460; email: ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 12:26:20 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Joy Thomas Organization: Cal State Univ Long Beach - Library Subject: Montreal roommate sought ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Non-smoking female seeks same for sharing a room during the ASI conference. I have a room reserved for Wed and Thurs nights, but the hotel is booked solid for Friday and Saturday nights. Help! ********************************************************************** Joy Thomas 310 985-7817 FAX 310 985-1703 California State University, Long Beach, Library ,/| _.--''^``-...___.._.,; /, \'. _-' ,--,,,--''' { \ `_-'' ' /} `;;' ; ; ; ._..--'' ._,,, _..' .;.' (,_....----''' (,..--'' ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 11:24:50 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Elinor Lindheimer Subject: Re: Montreal lodging ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- To all who can't find a place to stay in Montreal: There are over 200 single rooms available at McGill University for June 8-11, and it's just a five- to ten-minute walk from the Delta. The cost is $38 Canadian. Bed linens and towels are provided. These are dorm rooms, so they have shared baths. To reserve, call McGill at (514) 398-6367. We are sorry that the Grand Prix weekend has filled up all the hotels, but glad there is still room somewhere! I have a AAA book if anyone needs to consult about outlying motels, too. My phone number is (707) 937-1646. Elinor Elinor Lindheimer Mendocino, CA ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 11:25:09 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Organization: Yale University Subject: Shareware Program for Word for Windows ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I thought members of this list would be interested in our shareware program for Word for Windows. Basically, CommTech PowerSearch helps people handle large amounts of text. After you have tried it, I would be very interested to hear what you think about it. Feel free to forward this message to any appropriate lists. Manny Ratafia CommTech PowerSearch can be downloaded by ftp from (look for the file called POWERSCH.ZIP under the directory \SimTel\win3\winword\). POWERSCH.ZIP is also available for download from America Online and CompuServe. Or, you can use CommTech's BBS at 203/ 495-8604. For more information, send e-mail with "CommTech PowerSearch Info" in the SUBJECT to ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 11:25:55 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Neva J. Smith" Subject: rooms available in Montreal ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- For those who haven't found a room for the ASI conference, the message below gives information about using dorm rooms at McGill Univ., right next door to the conference site. Neva > = - * - = < = > = - * - = < = > = - * - = < = > = - * - = < = Neva J. Smith, MLIS DataSmiths Information Services PO Box 2157 / Round Rock, TX 78680 email: voice: (512) 244-2767 Editor, _Library Currents_ PO Box 2199 / Round Rock, TX 78680 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 11:59:56 -0400 From: Sharon Rankin To: Subject: Re: Are University Dorms accessible to SLA Librarians? Good Morning, The McGill University residences are available for accomodation during the SLA Conference. Location: Bishop Mountain Hall 3935 University Street Tel: (514) 398-6367 Fax:(514) 398-6770 non - student rate per night including taxes: $36.75 student and senior rate per night including taxes : $28.00 The receptionist mentioned that there are a number of rooms available during the conference dates. Sharon Rankin Database Coordinator McGill University Library Systems (514) 398-4703 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 11:27:11 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Lynn Moncrief Subject: Re: ASI-Denver ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Barbara Cohen, Since you felt it was appropriate publicly remind me of the history of the Montreal conference planning on the list, I am posting my reply to the same. I did not intend to go the Montreal conference until late March, nearly a year after the San Diego conference, and was waiting--like many others--for the information about the conference to appear in KeyWords so that I'd know precisely what dates to book for. I have secured lodgings since my posting with the wonderful help of our liaison, Jeanne Moody. As for the Denver conference, I think that many of us would appreciate input from members of the Colorado chapter in advance as they so graciously offerred and have been supplying. IMHO, their advance queries on what we'd like to do while there will be valuable in making this an enjoyable experience for all. Lynn Moncrief TECHindex & Docs You wrote: > >----------------------------Original message---------------------------- >Lynn Moncrief: > >I just want to state briefly that there was information on Montreal >available at the San Diego meeting and in KEY WORDS about the hotel, etc., >well ind advance. I'm sorry that the hotel is booked solid, but I know that >at least one of the speakers has loctaed an inexpensive B&B nearby. You >might try that as well. > >Ideas about the Denver conference should be addressed to the ASI Admin >Office until Ann Blum or a write-in candidate emerges as the next >Vice-president/President Elect (whose duty it is to plan the following >year's conference). > >Barbara E. Cohen >ASI Secretary > > ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 16:52:55 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Neva J. Smith" Subject: r p: Language etiquette (fwd) This advice regarding language etiquette was originally posted on SLA's conference listserv. I am reposting with the author's permission Neva Neva J. Smith, MLIS DataSmiths Information Services = email: voice: (512) 244-2767 Editor, _Library Currents_ PO Box 2199 / Round Rock, TX 78680 In most downtown establishments dealing with the public (hotels, restaurants, stores, public transport, etc.), one can speak in English quite freely, although any attempts to practice one's French will be quite welcome. However, don't be shocked if the other person switches to English upon hearing a non-Francophone accent. As a result, the English person is speaking in French and the French person is speaking in English - this just adds to the bilingual flavour of Montreal! You might notice on the doors of stores and restaurants a little sign that reads "F/E". This means that people can get served in that establishment in either official language (French or English). If a place doesn't sport it, however, it doesn't matter. What may happen more often is that upon entering a store, you will most=20 likely be approached by a salesperson asking you (in French) if you need=20 some assistance. You can freely answer in English, and there is no harm=20 done whatsoever. Also, take note that in restaurants, menus can be either bilingual or in one language only. If the restaurant you are in provides you with a French-only menu, please don't be shy if you are having difficulties, and feel free to ask for an English one. If none is available, don't be intimidated, and ask for clarifications. If you intend to take in a movie while in Montreal, make sure that you will be seeing the original English version, assuming you don't speak French. This is because movie houses can release films in both language versions at the same time. Don't forget about the language glossary Conference members will receive in order to practice one's French language skills! Gail Nadel Member, Hospitality Committee email: ------------- Original Text De C=3DUS/A=3DINTERNET/DDA=3DID/sla95-l(a), le 95-05-08 1= 5:18: Delivered: Mon May 8 15:05:43 1995 ----------------------------- [X.400 Text Follows]=20 ----------------------------- When in Montreal, is it considered rude to simply address people in=20 English, or should every exchange by us non-French speakers be prefaced=20 with a "Parlez-vous Anglais" or something similar? =20 John Marcus Chicago, _______________________________________________________________________=20 "London, you're a lady..."=09=09=09 -Shane MacGowan ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 16:59:08 ECT Reply-To: Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Barbara E. Cohen" Subject: Re: ASI-Denver ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Lynn: I just wanted to take the opportunity to let people know that we (the ASI Board) have been doing some planning for the Denver conference, so that no one gets the wires crossed. I certainly didn't mean to step on any toes. After all, we do have a procedure for doing things. I'm sorry if the procedure has not been clear. The Board is very excited about working with the Colorado chapter; my note was just a reminder that the groups should be working together, not on parallel tracks. Barbara E. Cohen ASI Secretary -- Barbara E. Cohen Indexing and Editorial Services ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 16:59:19 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Subject: Re: ASI-Denver ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- As a westerner, I'm particularly glad that ASI chose a western City, Denver, for the 1996 annual conference! There are many indexers for whom the conferences on the East Coast are simply too expensive, and the full day needed for travel each way is also a factor! So hooray for the ASI Board, and I for one am looking forward to staying "out west." I'm certain the host chapter in Colorado will provide some wonderful "western hospitality"! It will be nice to meet many of you in Montreal next month (!). Janet Perlman Southwest Indexing Scottsdale, Arizona (