From: SMTP%"" 6-JUN-1995 15:09:00.95 To: CIRJA02 CC: Subj: File: "INDEX-L LOG9505A" Date: Tue, 6 Jun 1995 15:09:37 +0000 From: BITNET list server at BINGVMB (1.8a) Subject: File: "INDEX-L LOG9505A" To: CIRJA02@GSVMS1.CC.GASOU.EDU ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 14:23:36 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Subject: Research Workshops in IR at SIGIR'95 ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- --------------------------------------- RESEARCH WORKSHOPS IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL: Information Retrieval and Databases VIRI: Visual Information Retrieval Interfaces IR and Automatic Construction of Hypermedia Curriculum Development in Computer Information Science Z39.50 and the IR Research Community to be held in association with SIGIR '95: 18th International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval Seattle, WA, USA July 13, 1995 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ---------------------------------------- SIGIR '95, an international research conference on information retrieval theory, systems, practice and applications, will be held in Seattle, WA, from July 9-13. The final day of the conference will be devoted to five post-conference research workshops on topics of great current and general interest: IR and databases; visual information retrieval interfaces; curriculum development for IR; automatic construction of hypermedia; and Z39.50. Full descriptions and instructions for attendees are given below. All SIGIR research workshops will run concurrently from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 13. Intending participants should follow the instructions given below to contact the program committee for the workshop they wish to attend. Attendance at SIGIR '95 is not required, though it is necessary to register for the workshops using the conference registration form. Cost of each workshop is $45 (before May 29) and $55 (after May 29) which includes a box lunch and workshop documentation. A copy of the registration form plus full information on SIGIR '95, including descriptions of tutorials, all technical sessions, and accommodation, etc. is available via anonymous ftp from: (\public\sigir95\program) or via WWW at URL: SIGIR_95_adv.pgm.html; or contact to request a copy of the program by mail. WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS: ____________________________________________________________ INFORMATION RETRIEVAL AND DATABASES A Research Workshop ____________________________________________________________ The integration of database management systems and information retrieval systems is of great practical interest. There are, however, hard research problems that remain to be solved. The workshop aims at assisting the information retrieval community in understanding the integration problems and in setting a research agenda. The workshop will include focused presentations addressing the following four issues: Architecture: loosely coupled, tightly coupled, total integration; does the DBMS control the IRS or vice versa; support for distributed computing. Retrieval Model and Query Language: reconciling classical DB retrieval and classical (weighted) IR retrieval; retrieval models taking into account structural information (DB attributes); treating DB attribute values in an IR way, e.g. in a probabilistic way; query languages for IR/DB systems. Concurrency Control and Transaction Management: concurrency control on the IR index; is ACID enough or is ACID too much for IR; new transaction models (nested transactions); long lived transactions (for indexing). Performance: new access structures; new buffering schemes (caches); retrieval performance on dynamic data; insertion, deletion, and modification performance; scalability (parallel architectures); query processing/optimization for relevance ranking. Following the presentations, attendees will participate in round table discussions about each topic. To allow this to proceed in a workshop atmosphere, the workshop is restricted to 30 participants. **Program Committee: David Harper, The Robert Gordon University, UK Peter Schauble, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich Those wishing to give presentations should submit a short position paper (about 2 pages) covering the aforementioned issues. About six of these papers will be selected for presentation. Other prospective attendees should prepare a short statement describing their interest in the area. Submissions or requests for further information should be addressed to: . Deadline for submission: May 31, 1995 Notification: June 15, 1995. ____________________________________________________________ VIRI: VISUAL INFORMATION RETRIEVAL INTERFACES A Research Workshop ____________________________________________________________ A visual information retrieval interface (VIRI) is defined as one that uses graphic elements in addition to text to aid the solution of a problem related to information storage and retrieval. More than twenty-five such interfaces already exist, with different retrieval models, graphical metaphors, and user interactions. Furthermore, the interfaces have different strengths, for example, retrieval, browsing, and document classification. The focus of the workshop is to exchange information, and to begin development of a method for comparing these interfaces. Researchers and practitioners who are actively working on VIRI projects are particularly invited to participate. Participants will be asked to complete a questionnaire about their systems. The completed questionnaires will be distributed to the workshop attendees. The workshop format will be open discussion moderated by members of the workshop program committee. To open the workshop attendees will be given an opportunity to provide a brief description of their VIRIs and answer some questions about them. Following that, discussion will focus on developing a classification scheme for VIRIs and identifying major research issues related to visual interfaces. The workshop discussion will conclude by identifying test collections and developing experimental tasks and measures that will provide a sound basis for comparing and evaluating the interfaces. Workshop attendees are encouraged to attend the demonstration session on Monday evening, where several VIRIs will be demonstrated. Requests for further information or a copy of the questionnaire should be sent to **Program Committee: Robert R. Korfhage, University of Pittsburgh Xia Lin, University of Kentucky David S. Dubin, University of Pittsburgh ____________________________________________________________ IR AND AUTOMATIC CONSTRUCTION OF HYPERMEDIA A Research Workshop _____________________________________________________________ Program Committee: Maristella Agosti, Padua University James Allan, University of Massachusetts at Amherst The workshop will address IR methods and tools that can be used in the automatic construction of a hypermedia collection, to produce an informative set of documents and links that can be searched and browsed by content. For example, typical IR measures of document similarity can provide a motivation for linking documents. Also, recent work with passage retrieval shows that it can be used to segment a collection of "flat" documents for use in a hypermedia. These and other methods for the automatic authoring of hypermedia collections will be presented and discussed in the workshop. Both techniques that construct a hypertext from an unlinked set of data and those that can be applied to an existing hypertext/media (augmenting its set of links) are relevant to the workshop. The workshop will also discuss issues such as static links, dynamic links, automatically assigning types to the generated links, and evaluation of link quality. The workshop will include the presentation of several position papers, small group discussions of subtopics of interest, and general/panel discussion of related issues. The workshop will conclude with the approval of a short working paper presenting all the methods that the participants deem useful for automatic construction of hypermedia. Presenters with the following characteristics are solicited: * Experience with actual hypertext/IR hybrid systems, preferably where IR is a significant component of the system, either in authoring (e.g., suggesting new links) or at run-time (e.g., dynamic links). Demonstration systems are particularly encouraged. * Research papers discussing issues of constructing and/or using hypertexts by the application of IR techniques. Please submit a 1-3 page extended abstract describing your research, experience, or demonstration. The abstract should be submitted electronically (preferably in PostScript or straight ASCII) to both: (Maristella Agosti) AND (James Allan) >>> Submissions are due on or before Monday, May 29, 1995. <<< Abstracts will be reviewed and selected by the program committee. Notification of acceptance will be made by June 12th. Individuals interested in attending but not presenting a position paper are asked to notify the program committee of their intent. (This request is not a commitment, but an effort to gauge interest.) For additional information, please contact Maristella Agosti at the e-mail address above. Thursday, July 13, 1995 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. _____________________________________________________________ CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN COMPUTER INFORMATION SCIENCE: A FRAMEWORK FOR DEVELOPING A NEW CURRICULUM IN IR _____________________________________________________________ This workshop will bring together individuals interested in education for information retrieval and provide a forum for discussion on the development of curricula to support a variety of views (computing science, library and information science, MIS, information systems, business, government and academia, etc.) . In the morning session a framework for curriculum development will be provided by workshop leaders Doris Lidtke and Michael Mulder, who will report on their extensive experience in the development of new curricula in computer information science, emphasizing preparation of students to deal with large scale information systems AND new paradigms of learning/teaching. Topics to be covered by the workshop leaders include: (1) involvement of the stakeholders---employers, faculty, and instructional/ curriculum designers; (2) determining content---both depth and breadth; (3) validation by the stakeholders; (4) packaging--- knowledge units vs. courses; (5) special delivery mechanisms, and (6) essential/desired infrastructure to support the new/revised curriculum. To complete the morning session, four participants representing different points of view will be invited (on the basis of their interest statements) to give a short presentation on IR curricula in their area. Lunch will be followed by discussion sessions for small working groups, selected on the basis of participants' interest statements. These working groups will present their findings for further discussion in a closing plenary. The SIGIR Education Committee will use these findings as a basis for further work in studying IR curriculum, inviting those participants who wish to be involved to work with them. **The Workshop Leaders: Doris Lidtke and Michael Mulder have been involved in several national curriculum development groups including ACM/IEEE-CS Curriculum '91. They currently have a 3-year DUE/NSF grant to develop a Curriculum in Computer Information Science using new paradigms of learning/teaching. **Program committee: Edward A. Fox, Virginia Tech Doris K. Lidtke, Towson State University, Maryland Michael C. Mulder, University of Southwestern Louisiana Edie M. Rasmussen, University of Pittsburgh Kazem Taghva, University of Nevada Las Vegas **Who Should Attend: Participation from individuals and groups involved in or planning curriculum development in some aspect of IR is particularly invited. The workshop is limited to 30 attendees. Attendees will be selected on the basis of their interest statements to ensure participants come from a variety of environments. Those interested in attending the workshop should send a 1 page statement of their ideas on IR curricula and a 1-2 page resume that focuses on their work in curriculum development, courseware production, teaching, or hiring experience. Submissions should be sent as ASCII email by May 29 to Participants will be notified by the program committee by June 12. Participant's statements will be provided as a workshop document and will be used to determine membership of discussion groups. Participants will also receive a working document from the workshop leaders prior to the session. _____________________________________________________________ Z39.50 AND THE IR RESEARCH COMMUNITY A Research Workshop _____________________________________________________________ The Z39.50 Computer-to-computer retrieval protocol is an increasingly mature US national standard (version 3 is currently in the ballot process as of early 1995); it is widely implemented both in the US and, increasingly, also seeing use internationally, particularly in Europe. Z39.50 is potentially of great importance to the IR research community for several reasons: * Because Z39.50 provides a means of separating a user interface from a retrieval system, it allows research in clients and user interfaces to proceed independently from research in back-end retrieval engines, and, of particular importance, allows new user interfaces to be tested against very large production databases. It also allows new experimental retrieval systems to be offered to large user communities through familiar interfaces. * Z39.50 can form the linkage between a number of large-scale research projects that involve the IR community, such as the various Digital Library efforts. * Z39.50 raises and provides a concrete framework to explore a number of important research issues in its own right about the design of interoperable clients and servers for information retrieval, the representation and exchange of metadata about information servers, and related matters. The workshop has several goals: * To introduce the broad IR community to Z39.50, including its history, its current status, its function, and implementation progress; * To highlight several IR research projects that are exploiting Z39.50 today; * To sketch some of the research issues that are raised by Z39.50. After an introduction delineating the history of Z39.50 and the current status of implementations, a short tutorial will explain the operation of the protocol. The second part of the workshop will include two panels: one about the use of Z39.50 to support IR research, and another about research issue in information retrieval protocols. Attendees will be invited to contribute to the discussion. Program Committee: Clifford Lynch, University of California ( Ray Larson, University of California at Berkeley ( _____________________________________________________________ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 14:23:56 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Subject: Re: 2 questions on freelancing ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Deborah, well said!! "I know in my attempts I'm providing access to the reader--one of the most gracious things a host could ever do. A real contribution to our civilization." I'd like to think that that is exactly what a good indexer succeeds in doing. How nice to think of it as something gracious. Just goes to show, indexing is not only a science, but an *art* too. again, thanks-- Pilar ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 14:24:29 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Elinor Lindheimer Subject: Re: Montreal conference announcement ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- >----------------------------Original message---------------------------- >Will there be snail mail in addition to the e-mail notice? > >Dick Evans The announcement and registration form is in the latest edition of KEY WORDS, the newsletter of the American Society of Indexers. If you are not a member, you may contact them at to find out about membership, or print out the form from Index-L and send your registration to the appropriate address therein. Elinor Lindheimer Elinor Lindheimer Mendocino, CA ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 14:24:49 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Richard Evans Subject: Profiles of indexers ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- In response to a request for freelance indexers, I recently posted a file of indexer profiles from an AOL library. My fellow indexers have brought to my attention (with some vigor) that I overstepped my bounds in distributing it without asking permission of those with profiles posted there. In addition to the obvious breach of netiquette, they also pointed out that some of the information was out of date. Furthermore, none of it was intended as marketing material and some profiles may not have been as polished as they would have been had they been prepared with that in mind. Because I cannot undo the distribution, I want to at least follow it with this brief explanation of the background of that particular file. On AOL there is an active community of indexers in the Writer's Message Area (Go To writers). The Who's Who file was created as an introduction to newcomers who could go there and read about people in the group or post their own information. People posting there have seen their audience as the rather intimate community on AOL and may therefore have been more relaxed than they would have been for a wider audience. I maintain the file but I do not own it. I should have been more sensitive to the contributors before broadcasting to a wider audience than was intended. To those of you who have the file, please keep this in mind as you read it. I have also been told that the list made a *large* piece of mail. I apologize to those on the list for that. Most of all, I apologize to my friends and colleagues on AOL. I am not a newbie and I should have known better. Regards, Dick Evans ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 14:25:33 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Barbara E. Cohen" Subject: Re: Montreal conference announcement ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Snail mail is in our ASI newsletter (on its way to you as we speak) or available by contacting the ASI office at: Barbara E. Cohen Secretary, ASI (1993-95) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 14:26:03 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Jonathan Jermey Subject: Re: A tool for indexing notes ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- >----------------------------Original message---------------------------- >I am on the lookout for the best software in order to gather and index my >Phd notes. I have been told that Pro-Cite would be a good tool. What about >Hyper-Research? Anything else? > >Thank you. Macrex and Cindex are the favourites among professionals, but without knowing more about your notes and your aims for them it is impossible to say whether they would meet your needs. If you are looking to eventual publication then there are all sorts of good reasons to employ a professional indexer - and people in this group will be happy to list them for you. :-) Jonathan Jonathan Jermey & Glenda Browne Blaxland NSW Australia 061-47-398-199 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 15:23:10 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Jonathan Jermey Subject: LISA indexing ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I have published a paper, which I would like to update, on the indexing of LISA (Library and Information Science Abstracts) and in the list of subject headings used in LISA (published as the LISA: Online User Manual). I would be interested to hear from anyone who has indexed and abstracted for LISA, or who has searched the database. What did you think of the headings? Did you use the Online User Manual? How easy did you find it to use? How satisfactory was the indexing? Thanks in advance Glenda Browne. Jonathan Jermey & Glenda Browne Blaxland NSW Australia 061-47-398-199 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 15:23:28 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Shore Editorial Services Subject: freelance work available ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I'm posting this message at the request of Katherine Whann in the Editor's Office at the national Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. The Gallery is seeking highly qualified indexers with a specialty in scholarly art history for freelance assignments. The Gallery is not on e-mail as yet, so interested indexers should either call Katherine Whann (202-789-3167) or send a resume to her attention: Editor's Office, national Gallery of Art, Washington, DC 20565. Lys Ann Shore, Shore Editorial Services ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 15:24:59 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Contr Karl E. Vogel" Organization: Control Data Systems Inc. Subject: Re: biographical reference source ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- >> On Thu, 20 Apr 1995 16:35:55 ECT, >> said: Sue> Recently I'm trying to get some biographical reference sources from the Sue> INTERNET but have not been successful. Could someone tell me where the Sue> information is located in the INTERNET? Biographical sources are scattered all over the place because most interest groups keep their own lists. The closest thing I could find to what you want is: WHO's On-Line, a WWW biographical database of folks on the internet. For more information, contact E. Canessa . You may want to check out a copy of "The Internet Directory" by Eric Braun, ISBN 0-449-90898-4. -- Karl Vogel Control Data Systems, Inc. ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 15:28:22 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Carol Roberts Subject: ASI conf. & birding ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I'm interested in doing some birding while I'm in Montreal for the ASI conference. Any other birders interested? Anybody from Montreal who can tell me about good birding spots? Thanks. Cheers, Carol Roberts, indexer and copy editor | Life is good. | Milwaukee, WI | ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 16:35:19 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Barbara E. Cohen" Subject: Re: Research Workshops in IR at SIGIR'95 ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- If anyone is planning to attend the IR workshops at SIGIR'95, please contact me about taking some ASI brochures to the conference. Thanks. Barbara E. Cohen Secretary, ASI ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 16:35:32 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Will Hires Subject: Re: ASI conf. & birding In-Reply-To: Message of Wed, 3 May 1995 15:28:22 ECT from ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Er, excuse me, but what is *birding*? same as bridwatching? On Wed, 3 May 1995 15:28:22 ECT Carol Roberts said: >----------------------------Original message---------------------------- >I'm interested in doing some birding while I'm in Montreal for the ASI >conference. Any other birders interested? Anybody from Montreal who can >tell me about good birding spots? Thanks. > >Cheers, > >Carol Roberts, indexer and copy editor | Life is good. > | >Milwaukee, WI | ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 16:35:45 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Bernard Bregaint Subject: Re: ASI conf. & birding ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I am not from Montreal nor am a birder although i love birds and even feed them in my garden. Park Lafontaine in Montreal is always fullof birds and right in the city. Good sojourn in Canada and good birding. Bernard Bregaint Vanitas vanitatum La Cite collegiale et omnia vanitas 2465, Blvd.Saint-Laurent Vanite des vanites Ottawa,ON K1G2H8 et tout est vanite tel.:(613) 786-2078 Cyberthecaire aspirant ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 12:51:27 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Neva J. Smith" Subject: ASI-Denver ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- An idea for 1996 (may be too late for 95): It would be nice for the local/host chapter to have a hospitality discussion or distribution list where national/international ASI members could ask questions about the area, hotels other than the official one, good tourist attractions, etc. This idea was was put into practice by the Hospitality Committee of the Special Libraries Association for their conference in Montreal, which follows ASI's conference. Naturally, I thought it might be good for ASI, too. Neva > = - * - = < = > = - * - = < = > = - * - = < = > = - * - = < = Neva J. Smith, MLIS DataSmiths Information Services PO Box 2157 / Round Rock, TX 78680 email: voice: (512) 244-2767 Editor, _Library Currents_ PO Box 2199 / Round Rock, TX 78680 ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 13:58:01 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Subject: ASI DC Chapter meeting ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Accessing Bioethics Information: the Role of Indexing Saturday, May 20, 1995 9:30-10:00am, coffee, tea, and pastries 10-noon, meeting The Kennedy Institute of Ethics was established at Georgetown University in 1971 to offer moral perspectives on important public issues of our times, with special emphasis on the fields of medicine and biomedical research. The Institute's Division of Library and Information Services consists of the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature, which provides library services, and the Bioethics Information Retrieval Project, which produces the database BIOETHICSLINE and its print version, the _Bibliography of Bioethics_. Indexer Cecily Orr will describe the Institute and its mission, the selection process for materials to be indexed, the coordination between the indexers and the Library staff, and the Institute's relationship with the National Library of Medicine. We will meet in the Bioethics Library in the beautifully restored Healy Building, the oldest building on the Georgetown University campus. The clock tower and gargoyles are well-known symbols of Georgetown. Getting there: The Bioethics Library Healy Building, Room 102 37th & O Streets, NW Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 Reservations and/or directions: Call 202/687-6734 ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 13:58:12 ECT Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Subject: Massachustts ASI Chapter Meeting, May 13, 1995 ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Massachusetts Chapter American Society of Indexers Spring Meeting Saturday, May 13, 1995 Sandwich, Massachusetts (Sandwich is a charming historic town on Cape Cod) Lunch and Board Meeting Daniel Webster Inn beginning at 11:30 am, with Board Meeting starting at noon. Meeting at the Sandwich Public Library beginning at 1 pm The Sandwich Library is across the street from the Daniel Webster Inn, and parking is free at both locations. We will begin our meeting at the Daniel Webster Inn and move to the Sandwich Public Library at approximately 1 pm. Board Meeting and Lunch Please join us for our first official board meeting of the Massachusetts Chapter and help us plan activities events for the coming year. We need everyone's ideas and assistance! General Meeting Introductions: As part of our continuing effort to get to know each other, we encourage members to come prepared to talk a little about themselves and their indexing (or related) activities, including, if you wish, bringing samples of work you have done and passing out your business cards. The American Society of Indexers Ann Blum is past president of the Philadelphia indexers' group, past member of the national ASI board, current co-chair of the ASI chapter relations committee, and current treasurer of the MA chapter, and she is running (unopposed) for the position of Vice-President/President-Elect of ASI. We are very pleased to invite her to share her insights about the activities, role and value of ASI and lead a discussion about ways in which ASI affects us and how we can affect ASI by participating in chapter and national activities. Bring your questions and comments about ASI. The national ASI conference is June 8, 9, and 10 in Montreal. It is not too late to register and to make plans to travel (including, perhaps, carpooling by members). We encourage as many people as possible to attend. Ongoing and Future Activities and Events: Working on a Chapter activity is the best way to network. We'll discuss the following items. Please let us know which one(s) you'd like to work on. Indexing Conference. We are hoping to have a one-day Indexing Conference in the fall of 1995, but, if we are to do so, we must begin planning now. Some ideas for workshops include Indexing apprenticeships, online communication, and specific types of indexing (such as medical or computer books). Member Directory. We plan to publish a Member Directory, perhaps in two formats, one to enable members to contact each other, and one to provide to publishers seeking indexers. We need your ideas and assistance to create this valuable resource. Summer Meeting. We are planning a summer meeting in the Berkshires, and hope to have more information about that meeting to share with you on May 13. Chapter Procedures. As a new chapter, we are seeking to establish guidel ines for procedures that are not spelled out in the bylaws, such as how to award the one free national conference registration that is provided to a representa tive of each chapter each year. Online Communication. We want to establish a MA chapter e-mail mailing l ist so that we can send you meeting notices and other announcements. We encourage all members to e-mail us their e-mail addresses so that we can begin to compile such a list. Send your e-mail address to Marilyn at Directions: Take Exit 2 (Route 130) off Route 6. Go left. Follow Route 130 until you get into the center of town (pond and Town Hall). At the fork bear right (you'll be travelling toward the Daniel Webster Inn.) Do not take the left and continue on route 130. The Library is across the street from the Daniel Webster Inn. PLEASE NOTE: Nancy Mulvany, who was originally scheduled to speak at the meeting about Macrex and her book, Indexing Books, is unable to attend this meeting, for personal reasons. She will be our guest at a future meeting. For more information about this meeting, please contact Susan Phelan, Cape Cod Indexing, (508) 362-5172, or Marilyn Rowland, (508) 457-4525 or Massachusetts Chapter Officers, 1995-1996 Marilyn Rowland, President 211 Turner Road E. Falmouth, MA 02536 (508) 457-4525 (508) 457-0042 (fax) Diane Benison, Vice-President/Pres.-Elect 288 Green Street Northboro, MA 01532 (508) 393-3447 (508) 393-8305 (fax) Cindy Howe, Secretary 5-3 Deer Path Maynard, MA 01754 (508) 897-0942 Ann Blum, Treasurer 2 Rev. Thomas Hooker Drive Westborough, MA 01581 (508) 366-1218 (508) 366-1237 (fax) OPEN Position: Chair of Continuing Studies