From: SMTP%"" 7-JAN-1996 13:57:40.49 To: CIRJA02 CC: Subj: File: "INDEX-L LOG9512E" Date: Sun, 7 Jan 1996 08:11:16 +0000 From: BITNET list server at BINGVMB (1.8a) Subject: File: "INDEX-L LOG9512E" To: CIRJA02@GSVMS1.CC.GASOU.EDU ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 Dec 1995 06:54:00 +1100 Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Jonathan Jermey Subject: Re: HyperIndex 4.1.2 mini-review At 10:06 28/12/95 -0600, Carol Roberts wrote: >I heartily endorse HyperIndex. It's an elegant, efficient, and reliable >indexing tool. > So now for the obvious question - any plans to get it ported across to Windows? Jonathan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jonathan Jermey & Glenda Browne (Blue Mountains Desktop Pty Ltd. - ACN 071 232 016) Blaxland NSW Australia Australian Wildlife in the Cheese Shop: "We had some, but the cat's eaten it." ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 29 Dec 1995 16:47:56 -0500 Reply-To: Indexer's Discussion Group Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: Rachel Rice Subject: Re: HyperIndex I just wanted to add my .02 to Carol's excellent rundown of HyperIndex. I've been using it for some time, and my only complaints have been related to Hypercard: its slowness, and its lack of a spell checker. HyperIndex itself is terrific. I took a while to feel comfortable with it, but I put that down to being a total beginner indexer, and didn't know enough about what I was doing to get the program to do what I wanted, as I didn't yet know what that was! Now that I'm only a beginner (as opposed to total beginner), I was able to anything I wanted to do. I also find Andre to be very reachable and helpful. He even honored me with using some of my suggestions in his upgrades. There is a feature that enables you to load the entire text of a manuscript, paginate it, and then do an embedded index with it, a time saving feature if I ever saw one! It works sort of like Word's or Pagemaker's indexing feature, except that it does a far better job of formatting. I'm running HyperIndex on the Hypercard player that came with my machine. I think it would speed things up if I got the current version of Hypercard. I have a Mac Centris 610 and agree with Carol that turning off extensions and virtual memory significantly increases response time. One really great thing about Hypercard is that it always saves automatically. You can't lose your work even if your machine crashes. The bad thing is it takes up a lot of disk space, especially if you make a few back up copies along the way. (I do that any time I get ready to do a major task like formatting, because I'm paranoid that I'll do something wrong and not be able to get back, due to that wonderful Save feature!) I heartily endorse HyperIndex. Rachel Rachel Rice Martha's Vineyard Island ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 30 Dec 1995 12:07:32 -0600 Reply-To: Sender: Indexer's Discussion Group From: "Barbara E. Cohen" Subject: Announcements, Denver meeting For immediate attention: ASI has several thousand copies of the Denver meeting announcement that we would like to have distributed to people who might be interested in attending the annual meeting (note: ASI members will be receiving their copy in the current KEY WORDS, on its way to you now). I you plan to sttend a meeting int he next few months and you are interested in distributing flyers for the ASI Denver or are willing to drop them on an information table, please contact me with the name and date of the meeting you are attending, as well as the number of flyers you need. I am also willing to send out copies if you can secure mailing labels from relevant organizations. We are esp. interested in exchanging labels with groups in the Rocky Mountain area. Please contact me for details. Finally, if you have clients who might be interested in attending, who have contact with indexers who are not members of ASI, or who can distribute flyers for use, please contact me and I can send the flyers from here, or I can send you a stack to distribute. As part of the new ASI Publicity Initiative, we are dedicated to making information about the Denver meeting known far and wide. However, the Publicity Committee could use your help, and I look forward to hearing from anyone with names and addresses to use. Thank you for assisting in this initiative. P.S. Any volunteers willing to type up labels for names in directories (such as the LMP) would be gratefully appreciated. Barbara E. Cohen Publicity Coordinator, ASI -- Barbara E. Cohen Indexing & Editorial Services Champaign, IL